Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall Falls

Seattle has gone from months of bright sunshine and warmth to alarming dark and chilling showers. It's as if Mother Nature suddenly realized she had played with our heads long enough and she'd better put things back to normal. For a brief time, however, the crisp air was dry and the colors were as magnificent as any Midwest or New England Fall could ever be. An abnormal and gorgeous Autumn.

I think the extra doses of sunshine infused me with more than my share of vitamins or whatever it is that makes you seasonally happy, because I still seem to have residual energy after darkness falls; I can actually move myself out of the house and venture into the night to attend a play, a forum, or choir. How much longer this will last is questionable. I am a serious sufferer of SADD (well, undiagnosed, but still pretty sure I suffer). When the sun goes down, my brain tells me it's time to jammy up and knock off for the night. I may stay awake reading or watching TV, but under no circumstances do I consider continuing my social activities after 6 PM.

I am an anti-vampire. An unundead. Give me daylight or give me bed. The beauty of retirement is that I can totally enable this lifestyle: I arise with the sun if at all possible. I haven't quite mastered the "no steps beyond my threshold after dark," but I try hard. Hibernating animals know what life's about, and since I've layered my body with the extra fat needed to survive hibernation, I think I ought to at least try to follow-through.