Monday, July 11, 2011

Road Trips and Reunions

Bill and I are now on the return phase of a great summer road trip. Purpose? Ostensibly, to attend a family reunion of the descendants of my paternal grandparents, but also to just enjoy the beauty of North America.

The reunion was a smashing success. Our host cousin lives in Traverse City, Michigan, so we all trekked there to attend. Most of my relatives still live in the Midwest, but one brother came from Conn., one first cousin once removed flew in from California and another drove up from Atlanta, so we represented all parts of the US.

Bill and I decided to take the ultimate scenic route to get to Michigan: we drive through the Canadian Rockies and east on the Yellowhead Highway. Gorgeous! We eventually drove through the UP of Michigan and spent three days sharing stories and catching up with all the sibs and cousins.

Last night we relaxed on the carferry as it steamed across Lake Michigan from Luddington, MI to Manitowoc, WI. Fun and it saved us 400 miles of driving!

Bill has naturally been biking anywhere and anytime he can. Although we had a humungous thunder and lightning storm in the wee hours of this morning, it is clear again, so he's biking while I prepare to drive again.

As long as we get home safe and sound, I can call this a big success.

1 comment:

  1. Woo! I got a shout-out! :) Betcha didn't even know I check your blog, but I do! ;) Get home safely!!
