Saturday, January 14, 2012

Curve Balls

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball. It happened to us on Dec. 30th, 2011, when we learned that Bill probably had leukemia. For the 10 days following, waiting for further test results and a consultation with a specialist, everything seemed to go into slow motion. It's amazing how something like that just kicks you in the gut and makes you depressed, panicked, anxious, numb, and afraid. Bill is stoic; I am not, but both of us felt the pain and agony of waiting. The kids were traumatized.

Getting a diagnosis of any form of cancer is never "good news," but when we met with the specialist after our interminable wait, he did help buoy our spirits. It is CLL, a chronic form of the disease and considered highly treatable. There is no cure for leukemia, but there are a variety of chemo therapies used on CLL, depending on the stage and other factors, and we'll probably find out what Bill's treatment regime will be after Jan. 19th.

We haven't hit the curve ball out of the park yet, but the odds are in our favor, and I have ever bit of confidence that we will. :-)

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