Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Still Waiting...

Bill saw the oncologist today (after the snow-postponement last Thursday), however there was not as much to learn as we had hoped. The bone marrow and bone samples have been sent on to the University of Washington for further test results to help the doctors define and refine the diagnosis and determine a more specific range of treatment options. This is neither a good nor bad thing; it is just the science of medical determination, if you will. :-)

Dr. Cutter was, however, quite encouraging and buoying. He noted that Bill's white cell counts over the course of the month have actually been dropping a bit, which is certainly better than rising. He also noted that Bill has no other symptoms for his CLL and because of all the information they have thus far, although it is a psychological anxiety that we feel right now (and justifiably, he said), there is not a medical urgency for treatment. This was good to hear.

We will be checking each day or so to see when the results do come back to Dr. Cutter, and he will have a phone consultation with us at that time, so, I guess we'll just consider that "no news is good news" and hope for some final decision within a week or so. Until then, I'm getting old. Tomorrow (Jan. 25) I turn 62. Yikes! :-)

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