Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Pattern

Over the past ten months I've seen a pattern develop with my weight and my cravings. I tend to lose weight in a bit of a two steps forward, one step back way. This is one reason why I do not record my weight every week but rather only when it goes to a new low. That doesn't mean I don't get on the scale often! Now, though, I don't react negatively or in a panic when I notice weight creeping back up a bit even though I am eating correctly, carefully accounting for my intake, and exercising religiously. My body just lies to drop, then hold, then creep up, then suddenly drop, drop, drop to a new low.

At the same time, right before the drop, drop, drop occurs, I tend to be hungry rather continuously. I've worked hard to overcome the urge to say, "To hell with it!" and eat poorly, because although there is no logic to the creeping weight, I have learned that my body catches up with my behaviors given enough time.

Fruits, veggies, and healthy carbs really help with snacks, and these periods of hunger are well-suited for my occasional red meat meals. Whatever my body is doing, it seems to do it in its own little way, and by tracking myself and paying attention to these patterns, I am learning to trust my hard-earned healthy habits.

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