Monday, February 17, 2014

Another Year Bites the Dust...

Due to Facebook, email, Twitter, and honest-to-god interpersonal interactions, I have not bothered to write an essay for over a half year. One would think I actually live a busy life. The truth is, times flies by in retirement, and though you do not accomplish half as much as you did when working full-time, it takes you twice as long to do what you do accomplish.

This definitely works for me. I am by nature a rather lazy person, one who avoids doing anything unappealing, and so many activities do not appeal to me. Take for instance chores. Please. Take them. I can abide the grocery shopping (as long as it lasts no more than 15 minutes, preferably at my local neighborhood family-owned Ken's Market). I do simple household tasks such as food prep (dinner only--everything else is "fend for yourselves"), dishwasher ins and outs, and such by rote. I actually rather enjoy laundry, ever since we installed the machines in a closet outside our bedroom.  However, cleaning...? FORGET IT!

I cannot STAND to clean floors (dry or wet) and abhor dusting with a passion. Luckily, my disabled left shoulder gives me some leeway on these activities, and I have someone come help me a couple of times a month with these heinous drudgeries. My laziness does not keep me from doing activities that please me, however, and since retirement gives me both the time and the ability to explore intriguing prospects, I can and I do.

Hence, water aerobics 3-5 times a week. Or the occasional leisurely walk in one of the many fascinating neighborhoods of Seattle. Or traveling! Not so much out-of-country excursions, but in and around the PNW, down to California for friends and Death Valley, and of course all the way to Brooklyn, New York to see and be entertained by our darling granddaughter (OK, and her parents, too).

And so, when I look back on why I have not written anything for almost 8 months, I have to say it is due partly because of my innate laziness, but mostly it is because I have been wrapped up in the joys of traveling. Two trips to Brooklyn, a cruise to Mexico, multiple travels in and around Seattle, and several family gatherings here. Oh, the water aerobics, too. Seems that by the time I get home from them, have my lunch, and finish doing my daily puzzles in the newspaper, I just don't feel like doing anything else.

Go figure.

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