Sunday, August 4, 2019

Collector vs. Hoarder

There is a fine line between collecting and hoarding, but it is still well-defined. Hoarders cannot physically or emotionally part with anything, no matter how insignificant. Collectors simply are too lazy (or busy, in rare cases) to bother. I am in the latter category. I do not attach importance on items that would make it difficult for me to toss them out, but my inertia prevents me from doing so, and said inertia also nixes any chance of reaping a few bucks from a yard sale. That would require real work, and I'd much rather put my efforts into play.

Today I forced myself to spend just 90 minutes sorting through one of the myriad caches of old mail and other stuff, creating some new, but much better piles: recycling, sensitive shredding, and keeping (but not sure where yet). I certainly found some odds and ends that actually got placed in a permanent location (well, in the basement), and all the recycling is ready to go out to the bin. My "keep" pile, however, ended up in two small boxes: taxes (quite appropriate) and ...stuff. Still, it's a start, and who knows? Maybe by December I'll have gotten to the basement!

UPDATE: FIVE YEARS LATER and STILL all this holds true. But with three grandkids and more aches and pains, I have plenty of stock excuses for being lazy and procrastinating.

P.S. I had totally forgotten I even HAD this blog until I chanced upon it in an old iPad menu!

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