Sunday, April 3, 2022

Our Messed-up World

     Although I doubt that anyone looks at my blog (including me, apparently), I shall write a quick piece to prove that I am still alive and kicking (though not as high as I was 3 years ago).  

    Sooooo, did you know we're still living in a pandemic? Yes, two years and almost one month ago, life shut down as we knew it. Seattle went into a major shut down, and everyone (well, all of us who are sane and believe in science and democracy) began wearing masks, isolating themselves, and working from home when possible. Once approved vaccines became available, we all (again, by all, I mean all sane people) clamored to get ours. Twice. And boosted. 

    Life has slowly progressed around here, with modifications of masking and isolation, and we are trepidatiously entering back into group activities, hoping upon hope that we have enough safety to avoid serious illness and/or hospitalization or death. Fingers crossed.

    However, for anyone who might have been in a coma for two years, we have also been surrounded by insane, idiotic, and dangerous cult followers of FORMER president Trump ( EX-PRESIDENT, voted out of office legally and democratically) who endanger the very roots of our democracy and society. Oh, and Trump's idol, Putin, attacked Ukraine and is viciously waging an unprovoked war on that country, committing heinous acts of murder and destruction.

    Let's see, what else is there to update? Well, we do continue to destroy our ecosystem, extreme right-wing politicians in several states are banning books and trying to destroy voting rights, women's rights, and LGBTQ+ rights. Minor details.

    I guess the only thing left for me to gripe about is aging. Damn, but at 72 I am getting all sorts of reminders of the fact that my body is getting on in years. I believe I am mentally okay still (you'll have to take my word for that), but if you're only as young as you feel, then I am aging a lot quicker than I expected! So, let's raise a glass (wine, decaf coffee, Ensure...) to making it thus far, and here's hoping that 2022 somehow starts improving and that I'm still around to report on that in 2023!

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